False Allegations

Sexual assault crimes 

We are all products of two people and so we get exposed to many similar events in our life. There are some things you can never change for example your gender but there are things you can change. Often times the headlines of our news are full of women rape cases but rarely do you hear of men or boys being reported of attempted rape. The truth is that the National crime victimization study reveals that there are many male rape cases that go unreported. Most people fear reporting having being sexually assaulted because they will be looked down upon by the society. Many men are silent with their cases while it is said that one out of three women in Europe has experienced sexual assault. Women too have experienced sexual assault charges in courts and it’s really a shame to the society to be involved in such an act. You will hear of cases when the manservant was raped by his employer and at first many such a woman is wrongly convicted before the eyes of general public. The DNA results finally turn all things upside down there’s no longer talks among residents that the woman in the case was wrongly accused.

In my study, I have realized that men are the one whose cases are full of false allegations. Most men report their cases to hurt their ex- girlfriends, however, some cases are really complicated because you actually realize that a man can be raped. There are reports made on the rate of sexual assault in the United Kingdom and classifying cases based on gender, race and religion. The current report depicts that many women are accused of rape which in many cases you come to realize that those who are divorced are usually accused of the crime. As the rate of divorce among the married people in the United Kingdom continues to rise, there will be increase in the rate of male rape cases too.

Irrespective of the religion, boys have been sexually assaulted more than mature men. Most women regard boys to be sexually active and they have tactics to ensure they get what they want. This opportunity I would like to address those boys who view it shameful to report such cases to have a positive view of the matter at hand. You may never know, maybe someone may spread HIV/AIDs to you and keep silent about it. Let your parents know of what actually occurred and report the matter to the police; girls will not isolate themselves from you. The department of Justice usually ensures that irrespective of gender, you receive justice from the court. However if you are wrongly convicted you may still appeal to the courts for justice.

Many poor people ignore reporting child molesters for fear of the fee to be raised for lawyers; however, there are lawyers who fight for the rights of humanity who may help such people. The final remark about this issue of rape experienced within the male gender is that let the case be known to the police and investigations will be carried out. You too will enjoy the fruits of the judicial system and you will appreciate its role to the country.